E10 Course Outline

Encounter Bible 10

Teacher: Pastor Robert Skoretz, M.A.
Office Phone: 909-796-0161 x3409
(ID: 16021173) (PW: Skoretz)

Required Books:

The Bible (Provided for your use in class only)
Journal (Please buy one that is durable/NO spiral notebooks!)


Imagine you are mountain biking in the Loma Linda hills.  Just as you round a corner at breakneck speed you see a shrub on fire!  Your first impulse is to speed right by and try to beat the coming brush fire but something causes you to hit the brakes and skid to a stop.  As you circle back to the bush you see the impossible – it is on fire but not burning up!  You rub your eyes, pinch yourself, and reach out to touch the fire just as a voice says . . .

My first goal for this class is to create a space in time where we talk and listen to God – have a conversation, an encounter  – through His word.  Let’s bring the flame of God’s word into our lives and let it light us on fire for God.  A second major goal for this class is to discover God’s grace all through the Old Testament as well as the New Testament. Come prepared to participate in activities designed to get you into Scripture and to become a community of friends.


During our time together we will be looking at ways to encounter God in personal and meaningful ways.  Our work in Scripture will take us deeper into the lives of the Prophet Hosea and King David.  The Encounter Bible 10 format is similar to the Freshman bible curriculum, Encounter Bible 9.  Our goal is not to cover “everything” but rather to keep our antennae up for that which is practical in our lives and moves us closer to God.  It is amazing how God has guided and interacted with humans throughout history - it will be exciting to see how God works in your life this school year!

Our class activities will include worship, discussion, creative activities, lecture, reading, skits, sharing, journaling, as well as a major project each quarter.  As you can see, our worship, journaling, and reading will encourage you to grow in your relationship with God.  Major projects, lecture, reading and quizzes will stimulate your mental growth.  Some of the projects, our class discussions, and skits will make it possible to develop friendships and learn to work together.  The skits and other various fun activities will give you a chance to get up and be physical.  The work will challenge you to grow as a whole person but it will be up to you to invest in this process!  You can do all the work in class, get an A, and walk out unchanged.  Or you can do the work, get a good grade, and grow in ways you may not even expect!

Welcome to class!  I am really looking forward to our time together and may God bless you above and beyond your expectations!

Encounter Bible 10

The goals and content of this class include and reflect the overall goals of our school.  Our desire is that when you graduate from Loma Linda Academy you will have grown:

  • Accepting Jesus Christ personally and growing through His word
  • Showing commitment to the Church

  • Some of the ways this can happen in this class begin with our worship and prayer time.  You will never be forced to participate; only invited and encouraged to worship God in a supportive atmosphere.  

  • This class actively engages the biblical story.  We want to learn to be good students of the Word of God and to apply it in ways that help us grow as committed and active Christians.

  • Demonstrating thinking skills, study skills, communication skills, and life skills necessary to succeed in college and a career
  • Appreciating beauty wherever it may be found

  • Each quarter you will learn to read and interpret the Bible in a way that is truthful and practical.  As we learn certain key historical facts and spiritual principles you will be taught how to make life applications and how to remember them.  This goes beyond doing worksheets and quizzes  to include writing essays, journaling, participating in group discussions, and doing creative and artistic activities.

  • God created beauty and worked it into nature and into our creative imaginations.  We can’t dig deeply into scripture  without enjoying the architecture of the tabernacle and temple, the music and dance of Psalms, the mental pictures of heaven and the new earth!  But we will also look at how we can apply beauty into our own lives from what we learn in class.

  • Living a healthy, balanced lifestyle
  • Developing a program of life-long fitness

  • We will see how the stories in the Bible give us important principles for life in the context in which they were written.  Our job is determine how those principles translate into our lives today and how we can apply them in ways that make a real difference in our day to day living!

  • As a reflection of a belief in health we will try to break up the class period to include some action to keep your bodies from freezing up and your brains from melting.  We will also work into our learning the scriptural principles that help us live well. Take this as an opportunity to try the Daniel test and see if it doesn’t make a difference in your health and mental functioning.

  • Maintaining healthy, interpersonal relationships
  • Displaying responsible citizenship with a desire to serve others

  • The prophet Hosea had some relationship issues and so did David.  We are not perfect human beings, but as Christians, we have a common goal of love and respect for each other.  We will learn about biblical principles of love and friendship, working together and resolving conflict, being the body of Christ and learning how be appropriate with our own bodies.  
  • In this class, we will work toward applying these principles in our discussions, group projects, and even just when you walk in and greet your classmates.  I, as the teacher, will create the boundaries and point the way, but you, the students, must choose to make this classroom and safe and fun place to learn.

Why give grades in bible class?  No grade can measure your faith and no grade should ever be seen as a judgment of your personal worth to God!  However, a grade is very useful in helping you determine what you are learning and how well you understand the basic skills that are related to the religious life.  The following grading scale will be used:  

100-92% = A, 91-90% = A-, 89-88% = B+, 87-82% = B, 81-80% = B-,  
79-78% = C+, 77-72% = C, 71-70% = C-, 69-68% = D+, 67-62% = D and 61-60% = D-.

The Class Activities are weighted as follows:

30% Projects
30% Journal (ALL journals must be completed - I will work with you to make up or complete your  journals)
10% Homework (Rare, but important when assigned)
20% Quizzes (These are self-created expressions of what you have learned during a unit and will be written in your journal)
10% Participation


ASSIGNMENTS:  Journals are assigned often and time is given to complete your journal in class.  If you need extra time, that is fine.  The important thing is that you complete each journal and invest enough thought and writing to make it meaningful now and in the future.  When a homework assignment is given, which will be rare, it will be due at the beginning of class.  Projects and presentations are due on the day scheduled and will be reduced in value 10% each day they are late up to 50%.   When we all present projects, being prepared to present on your day is important and respects everyone’s time.  If you are running into problems talk to me early and I will help you!  

ATTENDANCE:  If you come after the bell rings it is your responsibility to come to me and remind me to change your absence to a tardy.  Watch me do it before you take your seat!  Obviously the best idea is to be on time!

CHEATING:  Don’t do it!  We will talk in class about specific things that are academically dishonest. Not only is it a moral issue but there will be real consequences in your grade and standing at this school.  Project papers and the book report will be  submitted to Turnitin.com first and then a hard copy to the teacher.  Plagiarism and cheating incidents will be dealt with according to the school handbook.

COMMUNICATION:  My office is open to you all during lunch and after school to come and talk about anything, work on stuff for class, or just hang out.  Call my office when necessary.  Also, please feel free to talk to me through e-mail any time – I check my mail daily.  My goal is to help you really enjoy this class and accomplish meaningful and relevant work.  Talk to me if you have questions or concerns or if you are just having a bad day or bad week - we’ll find a way to make it work.

Please check the class website often for digital copies of all important instructions and links to online resources.  This class website is http://skoretzencounter10.blogspot.com/.  Also, please check PowerSchool often as your journal assignments will be listed there along with a detailed description of each journal prompt.  When we do projects that require turnitin.com check your submission for my comments so you can make some improvements, if necessary, and resubmit.  I will try to keep each form of communication active to help you do your best.

DIGITAL DEVICES:  All digital devices are to be silenced and stored in your numbered box at the start of class.  For your convenience you may use the charging station but the phone must stay there, plugged in, for all of class, first come first serve.  Occasionally we will use the devices in class or you will be given permission to have them if there is free time at the end of the class period.  This is not me trying to make life hard for you - rather, there is growing evidence that our smartphones distract us when they are in reach, even if they are turned off and in our backpacks!  Consider this class time a true “break” from your digital self - use the time to focus on God, the topics we discuss, and even just the beauty of the real people surrounding you in class!  By the way, my smart phone will also be silenced and over on my media table off to the side of the room.  I need the “break” too!  Talk to me if you have questions or concerns.

DISCIPLINE:  You will find that I enjoy a fun classroom with a relaxed atmosphere.  However, I expect all students to follow my lead and cooperate in learning.  If your behavior creates a problem that a gentle warning in class cannot solve, then I will meet with you after class to resolve the problem.  If we work together, almost all situations can be easily taken care of this way.  If you choose not to cooperate then I will call your parents to enlist their help.  The final step is to meet with your parents and the principal.  I sincerely hope there is no need for involving parents or principal.  Choose now to make this classroom a fun and safe place to learn.

On the flip side, I look forward to many opportunities to call home to your parents and tell them how well you are doing in class, how much fun and helpful you are in class.  Give me that chance and I will make those calls!

EXPECTATIONS:  Respect for others – their personal belongings and academic work – is expected at all times.  Also, each of you is given full respect by your teacher as you enter the class – I ask for the same respect back as we work together this year.  This classroom is to be a safe place to worship God and talk about our beliefs – no one should be put down for sincerely voiced beliefs.

JOURNAL:  A significant amount of work will be done in a journal format.  We will talk more about the specific requirements for this part of your learning.  Please buy a journal that will last-I understand supplies may be limited in stores right now but try to find one this weekend.  Based on my observations from last year, the Five Star Mead Composition Books outperformed all others - but they aren’t cheap.  Take care of the journal in class and it is yours to keep after class.  Some entries you won’t care to see again, but hopefully there will be entries and reflections that you will enjoy reading down the road.  You have wisdom now that can serve you later!  The journal should never leave class until the end of the year.

PARTICIPATION:  This class needs you!  Your comments, contributions to group activities, and general citizenship in the classroom will go a long way toward helping us learn and making this class fun!

WORSHIP:  Each day we begin class with worship.  Sometimes this will be a short verse and prayer, other times we will do something interactive.  At all times we will address God with thankfulness, celebration and respect.  You are never required to participate, only respect the invitation.

I invite you to leave your backpack in your locker.  Simply bring a writing utensil, and open mind and an open heart.  Walk into class and enter a safe place.  Go to your box, take your bible and journal out and place your phone into the box.  Leave the digital life in there for 50 minutes.  Come back to your desk and take a deep relaxing breath.  Let’s have fun encountering God this year!

Welcome to class!  I am really looking forward to our time together and may God bless you above and beyond your expectations!

Important Dates

  • Hosea Unit Project TBD Mid October

  • David Unit Project TBD Early January

Dear Parent,

Thank you for being a partner with me in the education of your student.  Please read the course outline for Encounter Bible 10 and sign below that you have reviewed it and noted the key activities and their due dates.  Please email or call me if you have any questions.

Printed Name of Student

_____________________________ _____________________________ ____________
Parent Signature Printed Name of Parent Date

This form is due on Tuesday, August 29, 2017!  Thank you for assisting your student in returning it on time.

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